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Travel FAQ:


Q: Which cities/regions of the country do you visit?


A: I live in Washington DC. When Covid numbers aren't high, areas I visit throughout the year are NYC and Brooklyn, Central Jersey, Philadelphia, Richmond, Virginia Beach, and The Carolinas.


Prior to COVID, I visited LA about once a year and Chicago about once or twice a year. When COVID numbers decline and stay consistency low, I'll be doing my Cleveland/Detroit/Chicago tour.





Q: What determines the cities you visit and frequency?


A: My visits to Northeast and Chicago, depend on my social calendar. I have a lot of friends I visit and when COVID isn't affected band tour schedules, I drive up to NYC or Brooklyn about once a month for shows and will take a session or two as my schedule allows. 





Q: I don't live in those cities; can you travel to where I live?/You'll be visiting my city when I'm not in town; can you fly back a week later?


A: Absolutely. I have flown around the country to meet submissives when they were not able to make it to me. Anywhere from a few hours to a few days or more. Text me or call me on SextPanther or call me on NiteFlirt to discuss a FMTY (Fly-Me-To-You) or DMTY (Drive). Airfare, Uber rides, travel time, 4-star or higher accommodations, and cost of meals are to be factored into the session tribute. 





Q: Will you ever come back to Honolulu/Dallas/Houston/Montreal/any other city you haven't been to in 4 years - over a decade?


A: If you fly me there, absolutely. 





Q: How can I find out about your travels?


A: My travels are always announced on my home page as well as on my social media accounts.


If you'd like me to text you of when I'll be in your city, to let me know which city you live in and I will add you to my text notification list. 


If you have seen me before and you were well behaved, I will automatically notify you by email or you can text me at TextLydia to be notified by text. 


I have a tentative spring tour planned for Pittsburgh, Cleveland, and Chicago as well as a summer visit to Minneapolis. As soon as I confirm my travel dates they will be posted.

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